The Charlemagne Maze Game (Hard Version)

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Help Charlemagne get through the maze but be sure to avoid the weeds. Start by left CLICKING the mouse on Charlemagne (DO NOT HOLD THE MOUSE BUTTON DOWN). Then move the cursor through the maze starting at start and ending at finish. Do not let the cursor finger tip touch the dark blue border or the dark green weeds or you lose. If you lose Charlemagne will jump to the start position and you must click on him again to start. If you win Charlemagne will follow the cursor anywhere until you lose again. Note: not all mazes can be solved especially when you make them harder. Click the "New Maze" button to get a new maze, the "Harder Maze" button for a harder one and "Easier Maze" button for an easier one. Harder mazes have a higher "fill" percent of weeds. When Charlemagne has energy you can "blast" through one plant. When you click to get a new maze Charlemagne gets his energy back and the "fill" percent stays the same. Don't scroll the window or Charlemagne will not follow properly. Javascript must be turned on and your speakers must be turned on for sound but the sound may not work in all browsers. If you have a steady hand you can move diagonally from one water square to another across the the junction where two plant square meet diagonally.

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